main central
Main Central Vertical Harmonizing Energy
Source of Life
“One can feel peace, serenity and happiness overcome the total being.”
The Main Central Vertical Flow is the source of life energy, the breath. It is the central channel of energy moving through the body: descending the center front of the body, ascending the spine, flowing over the head and descending the center front - the “oval“.
The way you feel is directly related to the flow of energy in your body. If you do not feel good, your energy is not flowing freely.
Harmonizing the Main Central regularly will center you. It can be calming (for a quick nap or bedtime) or energizing (to start the day or for a pick me up) depending on your need. For optimal benefits apply this
Jin Shin Jyutsu® flow daily.
You will want to be comfortable for this flow. It may be done seated, however lying down with a small cushion or stuffed animal underneath the arms is ideal; or in the bathtub with your arms resting on the sides of the tub- my favorite.
Note: Your right hand remains on the top of your head until the last hold when it moves to the coccyx.
Your left hand moves down the front of the body.
Hold each position for 2 to 5 minutes, or until you feel the pulses at your fingertips, or as long as you like. There are no rules.
Breathe slowly, exhaling and inhaling deeply at each step.
R1 - Place Right Palm/Fingers on Top of Head: Keep your right hand here through L1 to L7 until the last step.
L1 - Place Left Fingers between Eyebrows: improves memory; helps prevent senility and Alzheimer’s; harmonizes pituitary and pineal glands; controls blood pressure; acts as a diuretic
L2 - Place Left Fingers on Tip of Nose: helps with circulation; releases tension in the pelvic girdle and reproductive organs; relieves menstrual cramps, hot flashes, menopause
L3 - Place Left Fingers at ‘V’, on ‘Bump’ on Sternum: strengthens thyroid and parathyroid glands; helps with facial muscular projects; helps prevent heart attacks, strokes; regulates metabolism; maintains mental balance; supports calcium intake; helps us adapt to surroundings and situations
L4 - Place Left Fingers between Breasts on Sternum: fortifies the immune system for the prevention of cancer, AIDS, and other critical conditions; assists in child growth and mental development; governs reproduction, generative and regenerative functions; relieves nausea; relieves anxiety; assists with breathing
L5 - Place Left Fingers at Base of Sternum: revitalizes the energy path of the spleen, adrenals, kidneys; assists in the secretion of digestive juices and hormones; revitalizes the nervous system; prevents diabetes; helps with digestion and blood chemistry
L6 - Place Left Fingers about an Inch above the Belly Button: helps maintain abdominal muscle tone; helps intestinal functions; helps the physical body; stabilizes the spine
L7 – Place Left Fingers on Pubic Bone: helps strengthen the physical body by helping the descending energy move down the front; helps strengthen the spine
(Hold L7 with R1 and then with R2)
R2 - Right Hand moves from Top of Head to Base of Spine (Coccyx): helps strengthen the physical body by helping the ascending energy move up the back; helps circulation in the legs and feet; helps cold and clammy hands and feet; harmonizes from head to toes and from toes to head
(Hold R2 with L7)
R1 - Place Right Palm/Fingers on Top of Head: Keep your right hand here through L1 to L7 until the last step.
L1 - Place Left Fingers between Eyebrows: improves memory; helps prevent senility and Alzheimer’s; harmonizes pituitary and pineal glands; controls blood pressure; acts as a diuretic
L2 - Place Left Fingers on Tip of Nose: helps with circulation; releases tension in the pelvic girdle and reproductive organs; relieves menstrual cramps, hot flashes, menopause
L3 - Place Left Fingers at ‘V’, on ‘Bump’ on Sternum: strengthens thyroid and parathyroid glands; helps with facial muscular projects; helps prevent heart attacks, strokes; regulates metabolism; maintains mental balance; supports calcium intake; helps us adapt to surroundings and situations
L4 - Place Left Fingers between Breasts on Sternum: fortifies the immune system for the prevention of cancer, AIDS, and other critical conditions; assists in child growth and mental development; governs reproduction, generative and regenerative functions; relieves nausea; relieves anxiety; assists with breathing
L5 - Place Left Fingers at Base of Sternum: revitalizes the energy path of the spleen, adrenals, kidneys; assists in the secretion of digestive juices and hormones; revitalizes the nervous system; prevents diabetes; helps with digestion and blood chemistry
L6 - Place Left Fingers about an Inch above the Belly Button: helps maintain abdominal muscle tone; helps intestinal functions; helps the physical body; stabilizes the spine
L7 – Place Left Fingers on Pubic Bone: helps strengthen the physical body by helping the descending energy move down the front; helps strengthen the spine
(Hold L7 with R1 and then with R2)
R2 - Right Hand moves from Top of Head to Base of Spine (Coccyx): helps strengthen the physical body by helping the ascending energy move up the back; helps circulation in the legs and feet; helps cold and clammy hands and feet; harmonizes from head to toes and from toes to head
(Hold R2 with L7)